Pressing Your Enter Button!
Do you ever feel terrified of doing something new? I'm talkin about the whole shebang: sweaty palms, heart beating so hard you can feel it in your head and trying to catch your breath terrified...
I do. In fact, it happened just last night!
The truth is, we can be as confident as all get out in the things we do well. The things we know don't scare us because we could do them in our sleep, right? But stretching outside your comfort zone and I don't mean putting your toe in the water, I mean doing a big fat cannonball and making a big splash kind of stretching. Now that's something different all together! It's. Freakin'. Hard.
"It only takes 5 seconds of courage to pull the trigger" is something one of my favorite authors, Brene Brown, reminds me of often.
And, in that moment of absolute sheer terror (which I know sounds crazy...and I also know you know what I'm talking about if you've dared to test the "out of your comfort zone waters" lately!) I thought, "What's the worst that can happen?"
So, I closed my eyes, took a big gulp and a deep breath...and pressed enter. Yeah baby, I DID IT!!
Now, I know what you're thinking. What's the big deal with "pressing enter? Doesn't sound like that big of a deal to me!"
My point is, we all have our own terrifying things, our one big domino, those things in our heads or our hearts that are prodding us to act on. You know what I'm saying, right?
One of my favorite quotes about life is, "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." The reason I love it is because every time I read it, it challenges me to forge forward into new horizons...even though I want to stay where it's nice and warm and cozy and I know EXACTLY what I'm doing there.
Are you daring or are you living in your comfort zone? Deep down in your soul, do you want more out of life?
We all need connection, a push in the right direction and sometimes even a swift kick in the bootie is necessary sometimes! (In love, of course!!😂)
Sometimes we just need to hear "You can do this" or "You got this." If you ever need that encouragement, please reach out to me...or someone. Choose wisely. Choose someone who you know will build you up and NOT tear you down...Someone who will tell you that YOU CAN. Choose to be vulnerable, courageous and stretch a little bit...Press YOUR enter button! You'll be amazed at how your life will change!