Is Scuba Diving in the Caribbean for you?
I’ve had so many conversations lately with clients about their dream of scuba diving in the gorgeous Caribbean blue water.
Based on that, I wanted to publish a post about some really cool opportunities that so many people don't know about!
Are you ready?!
Ok, so here’s the scoop!
There are a few Caribbean scuba diving adventure opportunities available for you to choose from while you are on vacation at any Sandals resort!

For those of you that aren't sure if you are going to love scuba diving as much as we do, there is actually a “try before you buy” option!
It’s called Discover Scuba and is a heck of a deal at only $140. It includes scuba education, training and 1 open water dive with a certified PADI instructor!
Your Discover Scuba diving class begins poolside so you can get familiar with the dive equipment you will be using. You will learn about your BCD (Buoyancy Control Device), your air tank and your regulator (what you breathe underwater with) and some other key pieces you will need to know about.

Next up are learning and practicing skills like breathing through your regulator underwater, hand signals, taking your mask on and off underwater, taking your regulator out and then putting it back in, filling your BCD with air and floating on your back and all kinds of other fun stuff!
This class will take approximately 2 hours and then you should be ready to set up for your very first dive in the ocean! Though this can be a little harrowing to think about, there is nothing to worry or be nervous about because you will have your certified dive master with you every step of the way on your Discover Scuba Adventure!

If you plan to go on with your certification, this dive can actually count towards that. (Another win!)
Even Better News!: Keep in mind that once you are fully PADI Certified, Sandals resorts INCLUDES 2 dives per day in your stay and all of your needed equipment along with an expert dive instructor! The only thing that is not included that you may need is a shorty (wetsuit from knees up) or wetsuit. They can be rented for $10 per day. Since the Caribbean is so warm, you don't really need it other than if you want it for protection from coral or sea creatures. The temperature of the ocean makes it easy to just wear a long sleeved dive shirt and your bathing suit bottoms which is what I dive in every time! I have my own shorty but find I'm much more comfortable and at ease these days when wearing this.

Want to know more about scuba at Sandals?
Check out our new scuba video here: Click to watch the video here and remember to like and subscribe to see all of our new videos first!
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